Board Members

Tracy ShahanPresident
Earl GamacheVice President
Neil PedersenTreasurer
Nikki MilcetichSecretary
David GoldenBoard Member
Mitiku KelkayBoard Member
Kenrick KennedyBoard Member
Nathan OcholeBoard Member
Ryan WoodleeBoard Member

Contact Us

Please contact Community Association (Snowdens Mill Management Company) for routine matters. contact us.


Architecture Control Committee
Tracy Shahan (Chair), Emcee Arah, Everett Casey, Vipin Gopal and Beverly Hassell

Covenant Enforcement Committee
Tracy Shahan (Chair), Earl Gamache and Mitiku Kelkay

Communications Committee
All communication activities with the community including the website
Dave Golden (Chair) and Tracy Shahan

Community Affairs Committee
Nikki Milcetich and Dave Golden

Nominating Committee
Earl Gamache (Chair)


The contact information provided above is for your convenience. However, you are strongly urged to use consideration in making contact with any of these volunteers. Please contact your neighbors only at reasonable times of day and for reasons that are appropriate to their position on the Board and within their area of authority. Remember, THEY ARE YOUR NEIGHBORS AND ARE VOLUNTEERS!